
Hypercert Minting Guide

Before following this guide, make sure you have first filled in the CeloPG Registration form and have received an invite to the private CeloPG Group and mailing list.


Following the passing of CGP115, the Celo Public Goods program is a cornerstone initiative designed to foster the creation and support of public goods that align with Celo's mission of building a regenerative digital economy. As part of our commitment to innovation, accountability, and impactful project funding, we are trialling hypercert submissions for grantee applications.

This guide is intended to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Hypercerts, their significance within the context of the Celo Public Goods Program, and step-by-step instructions for minting them. Our aim is to make this process as straightforward and informative as possible, enabling you to effectively showcase your project's impact.

What are Hypercerts?

Hypercerts are a novel token standard designed to transparently track and reward positive impact. Each hypercert represents a unique impact claim, encapsulating the scope of work, the timeframe, the contributors, and the rights conferred by ownership. Implemented as ERC-1155 semi-fungible tokens, hypercerts are stored on IPFS, ensuring durability and accessibility of the impact information.

Why do Hypercerts matter?

Hypercerts have the potential to address a critical gap in the funding and recognition of public goods by enabling a scalable, distributed, and transparent impact-tracking system. This system can not only track but also evaluate and reward impactful work, providing a powerful incentive for creators and funders alike. The versatility of Hypercerts supports diverse funding mechanisms and facilitates experimentation and interoperability, enhancing the efficiency of impact capital allocation.

Celo RPGF Categories

In alignment with Celo’s mission of creating a regenerative digital economy with conditions for prosperity for all, for Celo RPGF0 we aim to channel support to projects and initiatives across three key Celo Public Goods verticals:

🌱 Celo ReFi: Projects on Celo that support or directly enable real-world impact and ecological benefits.

🌱 Celo dApps and Infra: Celo dApps and infrastructure that directly impact a wide array of Celo users and stakeholders.

🌱 Celo Community, Education & Adoption: Non-software projects that help push Celo forward - educational resources, creating content, growing communities, onboarding users, and supporting Celo governance.

In the minting guidelines below, you are required to select which category your project is most closely aligned with. Projects that have also created significant value within a Secondary Category may be eligible for additional rewards during Celo RPGF Round 0 but must also mint an additional hypercert for this category.

Celo PG Guidelines

Preparing Your Hypercert

When minting a Hypercert for your project using the Hypercert minting dApp, you must provide detailed information across several fields. Below are the general and Hypercert-specific fields you must complete and how Celo PG would like you to fill the information.

Please read and follow the below guidelines carefully!

General Fields

  • Hypercert Name: Combine your project name with the relevant Celo PG category as follows: <project name> | <Celo PG category>
    • (e.g. "Kolektivo Network | Celo ReFi").
  • Logo Image: Copy-paste the URI of an image for the top left part of the card. This could be your project logo. You should see a preview of the icon in the artwork. The best format is square-shaped PNG/JPG.
  • Background Banner Image: Copy-paste a URI for a background banner image that will extend across the upper half of the artwork. This could be your project masthead or a unique piece of art. You should see a preview of the icon in the artwork. Note: it should have an aspect ratio of 1.5 (width to height) and be at least 320 pixels wide and 214 pixels high.
  • Description: A human-readable description of your project, its relation to Celo, and a high-level overview of the work that has been done. Utilize Markdown for formatting and include links for additional information. Stick to about 500 characters.
  • Link: Add your project's website URL, starting with "https://".

Hypercert Fields

  • Work Scope: Select all relevant tags from the tables below. NOTE: This is one of the most important fields to fill out correctly. Please choose your project work impact scope carefully!
    • Example tags: EBF3,EBF4,EBF5,SDG1,SDG2,SDG8,SDG11,SDG15,CELO1,CELO2,CELO3,CELO4,CELO5
    • Example Hypercert by Kolektivo Network → view here
    • Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) Tags

      Select any EBF tags that apply to your project. Learn more: https://ebfcommons.org/

      Work Scope Tag
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Air
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Water
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Soil
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Biodiversity
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Equity
      Projects that created a meaningful impact in the ecological benefit: Carbon
      Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Tags

      Select the most relevant SDG tags that apply to your project. Learn more: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

      Work Scope Tag
      Projects that created a measurable impact according to SDG1: No poverty
      Projects that created a measurable impact according to SDG2: Zero Hunger
      The remaining 15 SDGs based on the above logic.
      Celo Impact Tags

      Select all CELO tags that apply to your project.

      Work Scope Tag
      The project uses the Celo Network to coordinate its operations (such as cStable payments to contributors).
      The project has a dApp deployed on the Celo Network.
      The project is developing a dApp on the Celo Network.
      The project has published Open-Source R&D for ReFi.
      The project has co-funded development and pilot initiatives together with Celo.
  • Work Start/End Dates: Specify the work timeframe represented by the Hypercert. This doesn't need to be the very beginning of the project, just the portion of work reflected in the Hypercert.
  • List of Contributors: Include contributors as one per line or comma-separated. The list should include all core contributors involved in the work. Contributors are ideally wallet addresses or ENS names, but can also be names/pseudonyms. Groups of contributors can be represented by a multi-sig or the name of an organization. Note - All contributors' addresses, names or pseudonyms will be public.

Distribution (Optional)

You can distribute ownership of your Hypercert between multiple addresses via an allow list; This can be helpful if you want other parties to be able to claim fractions of the hypercert (e.g. project funders or partners) however, for the sake of Celo Public Goods, it is not required. Leaving this section blank means that the entire ownership of the Hypercert will be allocated to the wallet used to create it. NOTE - you can still decide to distribute ownership at a later date.

If you do want to distribute the ownership of the Hypercert between multiple addresses, follow the standards in the Hypercerts application or see below for guidance.

Allow List Guidance
  • Allow List: The allowlist allocates fractions of the hypercert to specific wallet addresses. Ideally, fractions should be awarded to financial contributors (e.g. funders). The allowlist should be stored as a CSV file.
    • You can make a copy of this template to create a CSV file and upload it to Web3.storage or another robust file storage service. Fractions represent the relative share each recipient will receive from the total percentage distributed. Example: Alice 1, Bob 1, Carl 2 = Alice 25% of distribution, Bob 25% of distribution, Carl 50% of distribution.
  • Percentage distributed via allowlist: Decide how much to distribute via the allowlist. If you enter 100%, all fractions of the hypercerts are distributed according to the allowlist. If you enter 30%, 30% will be distributed to the allowlist, and you as the creator of the hypercert keep 70%. The percentage is currently capped at 50%.

Minting Process

  1. Prepare Your Information: Gather all necessary information and relevant resources as the guidelines specify.
  2. Access the Minting Platform: Navigate to the designated Hypercert minting platform for Celo PG applicants —> https://Hypercerts.org/app/create/
  3. Connect Wallet & Select Celo Network: Connect your Web3 wallet to the Hypercert dApp and select the Celo Network.
  4. Enter General and Hypercert Fields: Input your project's details carefully, following the above structure.
  5. Set Distribution Parameters: Determine how you wish to distribute your Hypercert, including the allocation to the allowlist (Optional).
  6. Review and Submit: Ensure all entered information is accurate and complete. Submit your Hypercert for minting.


Minting a Hypercert for your Celo Public Goods Program application is a vital step in demonstrating your project's impact and aligning with Celo's mission. By following this guide, you can effectively communicate the value of your work and participate in a transformative funding ecosystem. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please refer to the detailed Hypercert Docs or contact the Celo PG team.