Google Docs template
When filling out the proposal template, please keep the title and questions. You can use this template and convert it into a markdown.
[Draft] Category - Initiative title - Author 👈 Proposal Template in Docs
Optional: Please add a link to the submission in a Google Doc and share it as a suggestion mode.
Text version of the template
Funding Request: Project name
Budget Request:
Proposal Type: CPG Funding Request | Regional DAO
Author: Who is/are the leads of the proposal
Aligned Public Goods Bucket: Which pre-approved CPG category is this initiative driving forward?
Funding request: What resources are being requested?
Summary: Provide a brief summary of your proposal, how it supports the development of Celo, the timeline, and the key objectives that would be accomplished if the proposal is successful.
Motivation: Showcase why this proposal can support Celo's well-being and growth, highlighting past initiatives or market developments demonstrating its relevance. Metrics and KPIs: Which metrics and KPIs will the initiative be measured against?
Specification: A more detailed description of the proposal. Include resources and data that suggest the relevancy of your region, and share specific plans and track records.
Current status: Does the Regional DAO already exist? Please share progress and past proposals.
Timeline and milestones: Provide a detailed timeline or roadmap, including key milestones.
Payment Terms: How would the payment be distributed?
Team: Who are the people involved in the proposal? Please provide a brief background of the team members.
Additional support/resources: Are there any resources (non-financial) requested from the Celo Public Goods Stewards, such as testing, reviewing, or connecting you to specific stakeholders?