
Regional DAO Proposal [Template]

This proposal template is subject to change and iteration. Applicants are encouraged to use the template, however, they are free to modify it according to their preference. Last update 16 July 2024

Google Docs template

When filling out the proposal template, please keep the title and questions. You can use this template and convert it into a markdown.

[Draft] Category - Initiative title - Author 👈 Proposal Template in Docs

Optional: Please add a link to the submission in a Google Doc and share it as a suggestion mode.

Some Stewards utilize the Regional DAO review template to review and vote on Regional DAO proposals. By ensuring your proposal provides sufficient information to score each category, you increase your chances of it passing.

Text version of the template

Funding Request: Project name


Budget Request:

Proposal Type: CPG Funding Request | Regional DAO

Author: Who is/are the leads of the proposal

Aligned Public Goods Bucket: Which pre-approved CPG category is this initiative driving forward?

Funding request: What resources are being requested?

Summary: Provide a brief summary of your proposal, how it supports the development of Celo, the timeline, and the key objectives that would be accomplished if the proposal is successful.

Motivation: Showcase why this proposal can support Celo's well-being and growth, highlighting past initiatives or market developments demonstrating its relevance. Metrics and KPIs: Which metrics and KPIs will the initiative be measured against?

Specification: A more detailed description of the proposal. Include resources and data that suggest the relevancy of your region, and share specific plans and track records.

Current status: Does the Regional DAO already exist? Please share progress and past proposals.

Timeline and milestones: Provide a detailed timeline or roadmap, including key milestones.

Payment Terms: How would the payment be distributed?

Team: Who are the people involved in the proposal? Please provide a brief background of the team members.

Additional support/resources: Are there any resources (non-financial) requested from the Celo Public Goods Stewards, such as testing, reviewing, or connecting you to specific stakeholders?

Examples of CPG Proposals

Celo Africa Proposal
Celo EU Proposal